Backpackers Need Not Apply

I’m in the process of re-doing my website and of course when I say “I” I mean Carlie is in the process of doing it. “I” maxed out my wordpress publishing for dummies skillset a long time ago.

Several people have suggested I throw up an FAQ section for people who are interested in teaching abroad. I’ll do that, but I’m warning you right now, if you’re looking for answers you’re going to like you need to skip right on over to the sunshine and rainbows world of Lonely Planet and Gap Year trips. They’re happy to take your money and you’ll have a great time, seriously you will.

What's not to love.
What’s not to love.

However, if you are truly interested in living and serving God abroad here is the briefest and best advice I can offer you without directly answering any one question…helpful I know.

If you plan on staying past the honeymoon period of 5 or 6 weeks you will need to fall in love with everything that is unlovable about your new home. And while you are at it, try to give yourself and others the same respect. You’ll hate the smells and the noise the same way you can’t stand your friend (or mom) who asks too many questions during movies. You’ll scrunch your nose and throw a tilted glare in the direction of the offender but to change it wouldn’t please you as much as you may think in the moment.

You’ll feel alone and deflate a little when people tell you how lucky you are to travel. You’ll tell white lies to your family and friends as to not burst their bubbles or keep them up at night. You’ll experience some of the most beautiful moments of your life, but they won’t belong on postcards and it’s unlikely you’ll ever be able to share them.

It will be the lingering, curious stare of a person who has never seen a person like you. A cautionary breeze before a dangerous storm, and the moment in the day when you give up. Your unfamiliar surroundings and being the minority will beat you and yet you will wake up feeling at peace the next morning.

"The world is a monumental beast, frightening and discouraging but in small doses it is the most beautiful thing you will ever discover. Beautiful moments L to R:  My student helping a boy who does not speak her language The day I realized my babies spent the weekends lonely or afraid  The day my business students opened their coffee cart.
“The world is a monumental beast, frightening and discouraging but in small doses it is the most beautiful thing you will ever discover.
Beautiful moments L to R:
My student helping a boy who does not speak her language
The day I realized my babies spent the weekends lonely or afraid
The day my business students opened their coffee cart.

You’ll experience the paradox of not understanding a persons language or beliefs yet not shaking the feeling that you can read their eyes and their heart for the struggles and joys that are universal. Some will give you a gracious smile for a kind gesture and some will resent you without reason. You’ll need to be able to love them equally or you need to leave.

It will become clearer to you which masters people serve home and away. The status quo, money, pride, fear, vanity, bureaucracy. You’ll have to decide for yourself what roles these things are going to play in your own life. It will mean letting go of things you never thought you would; people, jobs, homes, personal goals. In letting go you may also lose the need or simply the ability to explain yourself. It’s ok, if you are letting your heart lead it is to be expected that it will take your head awhile to catch up.

Trading one life for another is transformational in the way that anything of significance in life is. Love, loss, abuse, grief, marriage, children, divorce, moving, will take you to a place, location or otherwise, that you won’t ever come back from. Not because you don’t want to but because to try and do so would be dishonest and a discredit to the good that God is trying to do through you.

L to R: The day they asked if just one..ok 2...ok just three of them could live with me; Easter morning; using Olaf to learn to give hugs because many of them raise their hands over their face when I try to high five.  they think I'm going to hit them.
L to R: The day they asked if just one..ok 2…ok just three of them could live with me; Easter morning; using Olaf to learn to give hugs because many of them raise their hands over their face when I try to high five. they think I’m going to hit them.

So, to those of you who are seriously considering a life change, not just a change of scenery, I probably won’t answer your questions but I will pray for you. The same prayer I wrote for Teacha Megan when, with a heavy heart, I left her and the Munchkins for the summer.

Lord if she faces the choice between being happy and being useful, let her choose to be useful.

Give her company when she is lonely, your word when she is afraid, and rest when she is tired.

Let her follow you blindly, but give her glimpses of your glorious plans should she get discouraged.

Most of all Lord, let her be a vessel, going where you lead to bring your love to those who need it most, home or away.


Megan and Munchkins say HUUURRRRYYYY!!!!
Megan and Munchkins say HUUURRRRYYYY!!!!
Writing love letters upon departure to Bob, Koe, Jan, and Megan.  If I was better at Instagram I probably could have made this oceanfront writing session look super pretentious...something to aspire to, or not.
Writing love letters upon departure to Bob, Koe, Jan, and Megan. If I was better at Instagram I probably could have made this oceanfront writing session look super pretentious…something to aspire to, or not.

Published by Make Our Day

I am originally from Missouri and currently teach English, wrangle Munchkin's, and give hugs in Southeast Asia. I planned on doing the typical backpacker thing for a year or so and moving on.......but 6 years and hundreds of munchkins later, the ride's been anything but "typical". We're still here and still making munchkins' days one hug and high five at a time. Send us a note, some love, or a donation if you're able. Love from Munchkinland, Teacha Katie.

One thought on “Backpackers Need Not Apply

  1. God Bless You, you are so precious.  Love, Grandma   From: MAKE OUR DAY To: Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 4:36 PM Subject: [New post] Backpackers Need Not Apply #yiv2985796878 a:hover {color:red;}#yiv2985796878 a {text-decoration:none;color:#0088cc;}#yiv2985796878 a.yiv2985796878primaryactionlink:link, #yiv2985796878 a.yiv2985796878primaryactionlink:visited {background-color:#2585B2;color:#fff;}#yiv2985796878 a.yiv2985796878primaryactionlink:hover, #yiv2985796878 a.yiv2985796878primaryactionlink:active {background-color:#11729E;color:#fff;}#yiv2985796878 | Make a Munchkin’s Day posted: “I’m in the process of re-doing my website and of course when I say “I” I mean Carlie is in the process of doing it. “I” maxed out my wordpress publishing for dummies skillset a long time ago.Several people have suggested I throw up an FAQ section for pe” | |


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