Return to Munchkinland

When I pulled up on my moped, I saw no munchkin heads peaking over the fence, heard no yelling…and where is the cat? As it turned out, the munchkins had social workers visiting to put on a meditation workshop.  My initial thought was it may be working because it was unusually quiet.  But, by theContinue reading “Return to Munchkinland”

Zayn Said Whaaaaa?

In the hopes of keeping the shop alive for the rest of their summer break, the Minions were all to happy to send me off to BKK on a buying trip. But as we finished lunch, one Minion started to change her tune a little.   Bible: Teacha I think you cannot go Bangkok. TeachaContinue reading “Zayn Said Whaaaaa?”

Minions Meet Munchkins

While Munchkins wander about at their leisure eating candy and looking huggable, Minions help carry out plans for world domination. This week the Minions met the Munchkins and it was a match made in Happy Buddha Land. It all started with makeup. I couldn’t get any takers to model my wares for the shop, soContinue reading “Minions Meet Munchkins”

5 Days of Christmas

Twas the week before Christmas and all through the island, not a munchkin was caroling, Why? Cause it’s Thailand. Not a candy stuffed stocking or sweet cookie platter With all of your help Teacha fix this sad matter . Away to the workshop she flew like a flash After 5 hours of wrapping, she hadContinue reading “5 Days of Christmas”

Make a Munchkins Day

Mother’s Day is a big event in Thailand, so naturally, they take 4 days to celebrate it. For my kids in town, a long weekend means a shopping trip to Bangkok or a sleepover with junk food and new computer games, but its a long, lonely weekend for too many of my little munchkins inContinue reading “Make a Munchkins Day”